Cocuyoverde, or myself, which is the same, is a visual artist who has been drawing practically everything since he was a kid (like a lot of people when begin in art).
I was born in December, in Havana, that city that has some unexplainable light… and I was named after my father and my father’s father. By the time I was studying in the university I began to take the art more seriously. I use to spend more and more time working on my artworks since then.
The techniques I’ve use the most are mixed media and I also make the so called “computer art”.
Photography deserves its own chapter. I started with an old Soviet Zenit-B camera. My father and my uncle Fausto initiated me in the world of “domesticated light”. I switched to digital photography long time ago but I still own that antique Zenit and a Canon FTb.
Cocuyoverde is a nickame that means “green-click-beetle”. Cocuyo is the aboriginal name for certain kind of Caribbean beetle (genus Phyrophorus).